

Sample Sale Season ft. Shakuhachi & Camilla and Marc

Bargain bandits, treasure hunters, sale scavengers...whatever you want to call us, we don't shy away from the title! 

The two of us sporting the Shakuhachi jumpsuit #ultimatetwinning

We are unashamedly queens of the bargain buy and can seemingly sniff out a bargain as potently as Viktor&Rolf's flowerbomb! Whether rummaging through the racks at our second home, the Camberwell Market, or seeking out a stellar deal at DFO...we crave the rush of a dollar or two saved, making a purchase feel more like an achievement than a dent in the bank account.

In the last few weeks, we've hit up sample sales for Shakuhachi and Camilla & Marc for 'study breaks' and 'research' - pretty productive of us, clearly showing our dedication to the cause (the cause being our irrevocable addiction to fashion)

So, here's a bit of a recap of our purchases. We'll call it a SAMPLE SALE SEASON haul. We're pretty happy with our finds! Oh, and to stay in the loop, whenever we hear about a sick sale, we've been posting info to our instagram @stcksandstnes so you never miss out!!


Up first was the Shakuhachi sale which was the most anticipated of the lot! We planned it well, arriving first thing on the last day of the sale to make the most of any further reductions.  Overwhelmed by the amount of stock available, it wasn't long until we had no hands or arms left and were carting around more clothes and shoes and swimsuits than any sane person would deem appropriate . We tried on everything! And I mean everything. In the end though it was only two items that really took our fancy. The infamous colour block jumpsuit in black and white (for Bella) and a beautifully flowing floral maxi (for Jess).

Can't wait to wear this one! - will keep you posted

Eager to find more bargains and with larger wallets than expected after our first stop, we were ready for warehouse sale #2: Camilla and Marc.


Camilla and Marc is another one of our favourite Australian designer labels and we expected big things from their warehouse sale! Venturing into to the heart of South Yarra, we were not exactly sure where the prices would sit for this sale but were excited to see the stock nonetheless! Upon entering the chaotic room however, we were struck by the enormous racks of bathers lining the stockroom floor,  signs reading "all swimwear $20" setting our hearts into exhilarated palpitations as we swiftly skimmed the racks. Concealed by the enormous clothing racks, it came as no surprise that our simultaneously screaming out of "THESE ARE THE CUTEST BATHERS EVER! AND LOOK AT THE BACK!!" would express our gushing over the same one piece bathing suit #braintelepathy (it's all a part of being best friends though right?!). Whilst we didn't fall head over heals for any of the clothing it's safe to say we got a bathers fix from this warehouse sale and even more excited for summer!

 Here are some other standouts from the sale! 

With Summer starting, the shopping season is upon us with uni break allowing for a phenomenal number of guilt free 'study breaks'! We'll keep you posted on our finds, especially Bella's exciting buys as she takes on the streets of Europe!!!

Love Bella + Jess